Happy Halloween!
Dear Michael, I hope you had a fantastic week. Did you check the mailroom? There should be a Halloween treat waiting for you. I hope you have something fun planned today. Glad to hear Eric made it to church! And I’m so glad to hear Tony Wang is back. Good luck with all of your teaching this week. Sorry to hear so many appointments fell through last week. I listened to an interesting program recently and one of the things they talked about was the Chinese government. The government expects Chinese nationals living throughout the world to be answerable to Chinese law at all times. If people do things like criticize the Chinese government they can be reported to authorities who may threaten their families back home. This is especially concerning for students studying abroad. How awful it must feel to have to worry about being spied and reported on. And how frustrating it must be for people wanting to be baptized, but are worried about the repercussions. We are having a lovely fall--- 1. T...