Going out for a pass

Dear Michael, How has your week been? Did Jenny have her baptism last weekend? I hope everything went smoothly! It sound like you really have a lot going on and a lot of people to teach. You must feel busy! Especially with training new missionaries. Sounds fun and challenging and fulfilling. It’s fun to hear about your restaurant friends. It sounds like they are treating you well! I want to try one of those boba drinks, but I’m not so sure about the red bean snow cones. I’m jealous you got to go to the Museum of Fine Art. Those Obama portraits are amazing. Just another crazy busy week around here. The weather has been absolutely amazing—blue skies and sun with a few heavy rain and lightning storms. I love it. 1. This was Homecoming week at the high school. The day your brothers were most excited for was “Dress like Adam Sandler Day.” How do these kids even know who Adam Sandler is?! The funny thing is that Dad and I went to visit Dan and Alisa for dessert last night. I got talking...