Getting in the Groove

Hello my dear!

I hope you had a fantastic, busy week. Did you ever get my package? I hope you’ve been enjoying that! Do you need new shoes? Is that something we should consider sending you for Christmas? Or are your current shoes reparable? Let me know. I hope everything is going well with Eric and Jenny. I’m interested to hear how everything shakes out with the area assignments and new missionaries. Keep us posted! We’ve had a sort of boring week. Just trying to get into the groove of school and sports schedules.

1. Ty took the ACT yesterday. He said he didn’t pace himself well and doesn’t feel great about the test. Will it be the last time he takes it? We’ll see. He may need to try again. Ty also hiked Timp again with some friends. They left at midnight and hiked up to see the sunset. Good times. He started his new job at Columbia on Monday and got lots of nice new clothes to work in for free. Not a bad perk!

2. Ethan got to go back to playing this week. He had baseball and basketball, and it felt great for him to be back with his teams.

3. Tate scored 5 goals in his soccer game. He loves it.

4. Monday was Labor Day. Dad got up early with the boys and put up neighborhood flags. Then we worked in the garage for a few hours. That afternoon we went bowling together at Boondocks (I scored a 152!)  and then went up the canyon for Jan’s Salmon fry. It was a lovely day.

5. Friday night we went to the varsity game at Clearfield High. Blake got some time toward the end of the game. Then at the end of the game we lost Tate in the crowd. We thought he was running down the grass next to the bleachers, but he went out to the parking lot “to say goodbye to his new friend.” Luckily we were able to locate him quickly and he wasn’t hit by a car or something in the parking lot.

6. Boring to-Do list items got checked off this week:

I didn’t make a ton of progress in the garage this week other than we are now able to park all of our cars inside again. So I’ll count that as a win. Dad finished getting all of the overhead racks hung. Handyman Hudson came and worked on the cabinets. But…the garage floor is sloped. So he finished installing the cabinets, but they weren’t evenly aligned because the leveling feet could not go high enough. So…I made him fix it, and it took a long time. I am happier with the solution we came up with, and I think the cabinets look great. Now I need to get bins sorted and labeled so we can start putting things up. 

I attempted to fix the door pull that is broken in my car.  I shoved a metal pipe inside of it. Then I filled it with liquid nails and duct taped it all together. I checked it yesterday to see how it all turned out, but the glue still had not set. So I added more liquid nails and taped it all back up. I’ll wait a few days and see how it sets up.

The most exciting win that I had this week is that I got my tub sprayer fixed all the way. FINALLY! I had to order new parts, and I didn’t realize that they were coming in two separate shipments. So I unscrewed the head, but didn’t have all the pieces to fix it. Then Tate walked in and knocked the whole hose down inside the tub frame and there was no way to reach it. So I ordered this awesome long skinny grabber tool from Amazon, but it was about an inch too short, and then I dropped it down the pipe too. So I ordered a longer skinny grabber tool. It didn’t work either. But, today with the help of both Ethan (who climbed halfway into the tub crawl space), and your Dad (who figured out we could PULL the hose up the pipe rather than PUSH it) we were able to figure it all out and get it fixed. Hallelujah! I’ve been trying to solve that problem for months and it’s finally crossed off my list.

Oh and how could I forget? I (hopefully) solved one more problem I’ve been working on. Today I created Facebook accounts for Ty, Blake, and Ethan. I deactivated them all, but they can still use Messenger. So I’ve sent you message requests from each of them, and hopefully you can chat with your brothers a bit tomorrow on your p-day. They should appear as Ty Raws, Blake Raws, and Doug Raws (don’t ask). 

7. My life is so exciting, yeah? At least I was able to go to book club this week and get out of the house for a bit.

8. It’s been so HOT all week. Record breaking heat for this time of year. The heat wave finally broke on Friday morning (I think?). It felt so nice, but the change in temperature also brought a whole lot of smoke and haze from distant wildfires. Lame.

9. Tonight we had an epic arm wrestling contest. You would have loved it. Ethan beat Jett (barely). Ethan said his “elbow was sore” from baseball yesterday. Dad beat Blake (those morning pushups are paying off!), and Blake beat Ty (but Ty tried sooooo hard not to lose).

10. Grandpa finished LOTOJA yesterday with 19 minutes so spare. His riding partner dropped out early and he had to do it all on his own. Amazing.

I hope you have a great week. As always, we love to hear from you and think of you often. We miss you!

Love, Mom


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