Les Mis & Meeting Michelle
Hello my dear!
I hope you have had a fantastic week! We called Grandpa Bramhall when we got off the phone with you last week and he confirmed he had spoken with Elder Cook about you. What a small world! My friend Janie has a friend whose son was just called to Singapore. She called me this week to ask about the mission and what to pack. Do you have any advice? I told her you really wanted to avoid the crocs but in the end you broke down and bought some! How has everything else been holding up? Do you like the shirts? How are your socks? Did you like the expensive water wicking ones, or just regular socks? How are your garments holding up? I can’t remember how many pair we sent, but it was a lot! If you can think of anything specific that he should consider packing, let me know!
We had a good week here. This is what we've been up to:
- Blake’s mission call didn’t come last week. But he has been assigned a mission email now, and we are expecting it to come Monday evening! He says he wants to wait and open it in front of everyone on Tuesday night. We are all excited!
- Ethan performed with his buddies and the cheerleaders in the school talent show on Tuesday. It was very entertaining! He did a great job. Unfortunately he hurt his knee doing the worm and it’s been sore since then.
- Tate had a “lemonade” stand with all of his little buddies. I didn’t have any lemonade, and Tate would not take no for an answer, so we made grape punch instead. A few neighbors took pity on the kids and gave them some coins. They were entertained all afternoon, and hopefully we don’t have to do that again anytime soon.
- Friday night Dad took me on a date into Salt Lake to see Les Mis! It was so good. It was the first time Dad has seen it on stage and he was really excited to go.
- Saturday we drove down to Provo for the evening. The first stop we made was to visit Great Grandpa. He was in good spirits and we had a great visit. He asked about you and wants you to know how proud he is of you.
- Then we went to dinner and met Michael’s girlfriend Michelle. She was very nice and cute and we had a good time getting to know her a little bit. We were excited to finally meet her!
- After dinner we went to the BYU Basketball game. It’s especially fun to sit next to Tate at the games because he enjoys them so much. He gets up and dances and does cheers and is just so excited to be there. That stadium was rocking!
- I spent the week trying to finish up paint touchups. Isn’t that what I did last week?!
- Dad spent the week trying to finish up getting bids for our concrete/shed/generator project. Isn’t that what he did last week?
- Grandma Rawson spent the week trying to get her basement reno project finished—just like last week! Her birthday was Thursday, and we are going to have dinner at her house to celebrate tonight. I haven’t seen the basement since they put down the new floor and painted, so I’m excited to see it. I went with her and Kelli and Leisja to RC Willey yesterday to try and help her pick out a new couch and some carpet, but she seemed pretty overwhelmed by the decision process. I’m sure she will be thrilled to have it all finished!
That’s all I’ve got for now. Looking forward to talking to you soon!
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