Christmas is Coming!

Dear Ty— How are you doing? I hope this has been a great week. Seems like you’ve had a lot of change in the past month or so. How was it saying goodbye to Elder Oldroyd? How is your new companion? Did you have to move apartments? Ah! So much change! Hopefully it’s all good and you are just enjoying the ride. And hopefully you have found some people who are interested in learning about the gospel. Missionary work is so hard, but I imagine it’s also quite rewarding. I’m interested to hear what the city is like during Christmastime. Do many people celebrate? Are there decorations up? Hopefully you have something special planned for Christmas Day. We are looking forward to talking to you, but will miss having you home with us. It’s just not the same without you! This week for me was all about holiday prep--- 1. I found AND mailed the Christmas cards! 2. Tuesday I spent the ENTIRE day baking and packaging caramel popcorn. I tried to get out of it by telling dad I’d make popcorn just for him...