
Hello my dear! I hope you had a wonderful week. Sorry I didn’t get to talk to you for long last week. It sounds like every week is an adventure, and you are having a great time with your new responsibilities. It sounds kind of fun to be able to travel to different areas of the mission and spend the day with different missionaries. And it’s exciting to see some of your contacts really accept the gospel and make changes in their lives. I love that Felicia is so eager to share the Book of Mormon. I just found out one of my friends has a nephew who came home from Boston (Chinese speaking) last fall. I’ve got to ask her the name, but I’m sure you knew him. I’m glad you got to go see the Boston marathon. I’m sure that was a fun day.

This is what we’ve been up to:

1. On Monday and Tuesday I got to go to a conference with Aunt Tiffany. Dad was invited by some contacts of his, but he didn’t want to take the time off work, so he gave me the ticket and I invited Tiff to come along with me and we had a great time together. There were a lot of really inspiring speakers. The purpose of the conference was to raise money for a children’s hospital  and to encourage philanthropy, but there was a lot of personal development advice mixed in as well.  It was really interesting to hear some of these really amazing and successful people tell their stories. It was a great experience, and I’d love to go if they hold the event again. One of the speakers was the Entrepreneurship teacher at BYU, and I think it would be fun for you to take his class. He talked about building wealth through real estate. He had this idea of purchasing a house while you are young, and then living in the basement and renting out the upstairs as a way to pay for your own housing and build equity at the same time. Anyway, I think you might enjoy taking his class. 

2. We took the new Yukon in to have dvd players installed, and the screens are pretty sweet. I’m frustrated because the 4 screens don’t sync together, and have to be controlled from the back seats, but I think we will work out the kinks and especially enjoy them while we are on road trips.

3. Ty and Blake got new suits at the garage place just off Burton Lane for prom. They both looked really great for their dates, and Nana graciously tailored them for us very last minute.

4. I got to drive Blake and his friends around all night for their prom date. It was really fun. I’m not sure I’ll ever have that experience of coming along on my son’s first date again! We picked up the kids and then drove to the Great Salt Lake Shorelands Preserve (with the rest of the teenagers from the state) for pictures. Then on to Teppanyaki for dinner and up to Snow Basin for the dance. They had a great time at the dance, despite the venue being way too small.  They all came out dripping with sweat! I’m sure you are familiar with the scene. Ty also had a great time, although I didn’t get as many details since I didn’t get to tag along. But I do know he was out super late, and I fell asleep on the couch waiting for him to get home.

5. Saturday morning your Dad helped grandpa pick up a bunch of loads of soil pep to refresh their flower beds, and the kids and I got it all spread out and looking nice. I found a birds nest with several eggs nestled into the ground by the window wells!

6. My Grandma’s sister Rhean is 95 and lives in a retirement home in Layton. She took a fall last week and fractured her femur where it meets the hip, so she had to have surgery to put in a rod and pins. It must be really painful. She spent the weekend at the hospital and then will be moved to a rehab facility while she recovers.

7. And little Finn spent the week in the hospital as well. The antibiotics were working, but not very quickly, and he still couldn’t move his neck. Eventually they released him from the hospital, but then he broke out in a rash and had to go back in.  They did surgery on Friday night, changed his antibiotic, and he was able to go home on Saturday. Still not 100% though. They had quite the week. Luckily Dana and Camryn had gone out to visit and were able to watch the babies while Ryan and Kelsey tag teamed at the hospital. Kelsey’s mom watched the boys. In the middle of all of this, the favorite cat got bitten by a rattle snake and was super sick. And Ryan had just fired his office manager and was in the middle of interviewing replacements. And poor Kelsey was getting flack for something she posted on Instagram. Stressful week for sure.

8. Robby and Leisja are getting close to having their house finished. They have been posting videos of the cabinets and carpet and light fixtures going in. They poured the driveway and a big sport court in the backyard. Might be able to move in this week!

9. We got wedding announcements for McKay Baker, Jane Anderson, and Zach Aposhian this week.

10. We finally got fiber connected and cancelled our Comcast! Hopefully the transition is good. It feels like such a long time coming. 

I love you and think about you often! Hope you have a great week.

Love, mom


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