Snow Squalling into Spring

Hey there!

It was fun to be able to have a nice long conversation this week. I always like to be able to see your face and hear your voice so I know that you are doing alright. I can tell that you are working hard, you are enjoying the work, and you are happy. I’m sorry so many of the people you are teaching have such difficult lives and situations they are dealing with. 

We had a good week. Busy as always. This is what we’ve been up to:

1. Tuesday game night at the firm. Ty, Ethan, Dad, and I learned to play Dune the board game. Todd loves playing games and he is so good at teaching. Dune was complex and had a lot of different elements so it was kind of hard to learn. But we really enjoyed it and want to play with Todd again. Of course the pizza and treats were an added bonus. Jett was disappointed to not be able to come, but he was just getting over a stomach bug and had to stay home. Unfortunately both Ty and Ethan came down with the stomach but the next day. 

2. Bright and early Wednesday morning the electrician came to set up the conduit through the attic for our fiber line. Connext is scheduled to come get us set up on Tuesday. Let’s hope this is the end of our slow internet woes!

3. One home maintenance items gets taken care of, and two more pop up. This week the furnace stopped working properly and the doorknob to the court fell off. Sigh. Always something to fix.

4. This was my first week in young women's. We had an etiquette dinner that was a lot of fun. And can I just say how excited I am to be able to mingle with teens and adults again?!

5. On Thursday your dad and I met with our financial planner to discuss how much more money we need to be saving. Lol. Save, save, save, spend, spend, spend. Your dad is in a state of shock about how much the new Yukon costs. Adulting is so exciting! We had good lunch together afterwards, and I enjoyed my date out with your dad. 

6. On the way home, I stopped at EOS in Bountiful for a body composition scan. It was pretty interesting that the machine can tell so much about your body just by standing on a scale. Bottom line is that I have a lot of work to do!

7.  It snowed a lot on Thursday night and the roads were a mess Friday morning so Dad worked from home. It’s really amazing how much snow we have gotten this year, but even just this week it’s been snowing nearly every day. We had something called a snow squall—really cold temps and whiteout conditions. They issued interlodge lockdowns at the ski resorts. This is the winter that just won’t quit.

8. While Dad was home he couldn’t stop shivering because the heater hasn’t been working out great. So I offered him some of my oatmeal. Him: “Whatever this is, it tastes better than it looks.” Me: “Hmm. Thanks. It’s called oatmeal.” I spent most of the afternoon prepping food, and I got way in over my head. I was trying to make breakfast casseroles and brownies and hot fudge sauce and we were supposed to go play games at the Warby’s and literally every dish in the kitchen was being used. Unfortunately, those dishes sat all weekend and I had to deal with them after church today and I can’t remember the last time I had such a mess in the kitchen. The casseroles were good. Brownies were awesome. Fudge sauce got burned. Overall I’d call it a success. Plus we had a great time at the Warby’s.

9. Saturday morning we were up bright and early to go to Idaho for Leisja’s dad’s funeral. It was a really nice service, and they shared a lot of great memories and stories about him. I’m grateful that Rob and Leisja have been able to live with her parents and spend so much time with him recently. After the funeral we went over to see the new house they are building. It looks really nice. They will love it when it’s finished. And they have a huge yard that the kids will love to play in.

10. Saturday evening we took a detour in Idaho and went to visit my Grandpa and Janet. They invited us to stay for dinner, so Dad went out and picked up some pizzas. Janet took me on a tour of her home that she designed and built right on the Snake river. The view is really quite incredible.  Janet has large windows all along the back of the house that look out on her back grass and the river. Her son and grandson both have homes just up the river from her that you can see from her house. She says they can pull the boat out from their dock and waterski right in her back yard! The water was quite mesmerizing to watch. It’s really a beautiful place. We had a good time visiting with them, and Janet showed me all of her artwork and needlework that she has done and framed around the house. She’s quite talented. I’m so glad she is healthy and able to take care of grandpa so well, even while she is recovering from her own shoulder surgery. Grandpa has a lot of aches and pains, and still has difficulty hearing. He wanted to know how you are doing. He’s proud of the missionary work you are doing!

I hope you have a wonderful week. Enjoy some sunshine for me even if the temperatures are cold!

Love Mom 


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