Valentines Week

Hi Michael! Fun to hear from you today. It sounds like you are busy, busy, busy. I’m glad you are enjoying your new companion and having an opportunity to connect with the mission president frequently. Good for you for continuing to work on your Chinese. Sounds like you had a great couple of weeks with a baptism and trip to the temple. Good luck with all of the exchanges coming up! When you get a chance, send me your new address. 1. We had a fun time celebrating Valentines Day this week. On Monday night we delivered heart shaped sugar cookies and “heart attacked” Allison Jensen’s house and Matt & Tiff’s. It was fun sneaking around. 2. On Tuesday I got to volunteer for Jett’s class party. Of course I was in charge of decorating sugar cookies. Way easier than figuring our a game or craft! 3. Dad brought home Cafe Rio for dinner and we had a romantic night to ourselves watching MoonKnight on Disney+. MoonKnight is kinda crazy, but I enjoyed it. 4. I joined a bookclub on Marco Polo wit...