Christmas 2022 Clue Hunt


(Hidden on the wall next to Jett’s bed)


A long time ago in a house (not) far away…

was a white bunk bed where young Andrew hit the hay.


Next to the bed was the ill-famed booger wall.

Wiping his snot on the wall—Oh the GALL!


Andrew’s young nephews now sleep in those beds. 

Jett wiping his own snot right next to his head.





(Hidden in the passenger seat)


Watch out world—Blake’s learning to drive!

Man alive! Hope we survive!


He passed the permit test—third times a charm!

Most important rule: first, do no harm.


Mom’s in the passenger seat with a frown. 

Saying slow down. Slow Down. SLOOOOOOW DOWN!


Next in the passenger seat is old Pop.

Shouting stop, Stop, STOP, STOPPPPPPP!






(Hidden in the court)


Ethan loves the game of basketball.

Playing his heart out, he took quite a fall.


That was way back in July.

Now 5 months have gone by.


Clutchin’ his crutches he proved he is tough.

But the icing and rehab just wasn’t enough.


His knee kept on giving him trouble

And swelling in size almost double!


Dr. Tyson said he needed surgery

To fix that knee. PA Martineau agreed.


At the hospital by 5:15 am

The numbing needles tortured him!


He got a brace and elevator key

And is on the road to recovery.


He’s a good sport.

4 months of rehab and he’ll be back on the court.





(Hidden on Dad’s truck)


A semi totaled Dad’s beloved truck.

Without a third car we were totally stuck.


You won’t find what you want in the KSL classifieds.

Heaven know you have tried.


Go buy yourself a new one, Jess said with a smile.

Overnight he found something with style!


A brand-spanking new Tundra

Had solved the conundra.


Others may think it sounds a bit crazy,

But to Cali they flew to pick up his new baby.


They celebrated 22 years together 

And enjoyed the nice weather.


Saw Ryan and Kelsey and Janie and Andrew, 

And then home they flew…


Err…actually they drove!





(Hidden on Jett’s jersey)


Hey Jett---Your shirt’s on backward!

I do it on purpose, and please call me DRIP LORD.


I like to be weird and my friends think it’s cool.

I’ve amassed a loyal army of followers at school.


Workers at REAL stadium were intrigued by such a name.

They got to meet the Drip Lord and will never be the same.


Now he wears a custom jersey.

His legacy for all to see.


Is it clean or dirty?


(Hidden in Ty’s ski boot)


Tight boots allow Ty to ski with precision.

But the pain in his toes led to double excision.


YouTube docs made it look easy 

To drain the fluid---try not to get queasy.


Heat a needle red hot, then pierce the nail.

The pain is intense! Try not to wail.


Don’t do it again. Let’s text Dr. Warby.

That toenails gotta come off, don’t you see?


How many nerves are in your big toe?

Brace yourself. 4 shots are coming---Excrucio!


Dave ripped off that toenail with relative ease.

Let’s do it again next week---pretty please?


Go soak you toes in Epsom Salt

And pretty soon the pain will halt.


Enjoy your epic trip to Sun Valley.

A triple back flip---the perfect finale.






(Hidden in the piano room)


For this clue Tate will be our special helper. He knows all the Answers!


What are the letters in Tate’s name?   t A t e


Where does Tate want to have a birthday party? c o c o n u t    c o v e


Who are Tate’s playgroup buddies? g a v i N,  k n o x,  c a r s o N


Who is Tate’s girlfriend? a u d r e y 


What was Tate’s Halloween costume this year?  s p i n 


Tate finally got to play on what kind of a team? s O c c e r


What days does he have playgroup? t u e s d a y  &  t h u r s d a y 


What is Tate’s favorite thing to drink from a sippy cup? m i l k 


What did Tate learn to ride this year? Hint: it has training wheels. b I k e 


How many days a week does he go to preschool? t h r e e 


One of Tate’s favorite stuffys is who? s n O o p y   d o g 


Tate worked hard to learn how to float during what kind of lessons? s w i M m i n g 


Tate loves going to what class on Sunday? P r I m a r y 


If you get married, what do you get? k i s s e d 



Unscramble the circled letters to find the prize






Find Ty’s skis hidden under the couch




Clue #8

(Hidden on the protein powder)


It’s bulking season!

Don’t need a reason.

Always time for gains.

Blend protein powder 

and Kodiak cakes.

Drink it down and 

Don’t complain.




Clue #9

(Hidden on the garage bins with Michael’s things)


The garage was full. We considered building a shed.

But decided instead to store things overhead.


We stored things outside, cleaned, and we swept, 

Labeled and organized stuff that we kept.


We tossed all the junk and took things to donate.

Patched dings in the wall and slapped on some fresh paint.


Despite Dad’s misgivings, Mom got her way.

She epoxied with moxie. It took so many days!



How many times did Mom pressure wash?


She had help from the internet and guys at Home Depot.

Handyman Hudson became her amigo.


Now Mom boasts her project to all who stop by.

She gazes with pride and a tear in her eye.


And sometimes she looks up at 9 tidy bins

That she packed away all of Mike’s things in. 


She misses that boy deep down in her heart.

But is grateful for the reason we are apart.


Clue #10 

(Hidden on Tate’s ball---actually on Dad’s hat).

Crossword fail!



3. St. Patrick’s ______ was beautiful! CATHEDRAL

4. We ate cookies from Levain ______. BAKERY

6. We ate lots of ______ . PIZZA

8. Mom got so see the show  ________ with Aunt Dana HAMILTON

9. We went to the beach and climber to the top of the ______. LIGHTHOUSE

11. Did anyone love riding the Big _____ around town? BUS

13. We ate lots of ______ .ICE CREAM

14. Went to the top of the ________ State Building. EMPIRE

15. The ______ _______ was the kids first Broadway show LION KING

16. We loved shopping and eating authentic food in _____ town. CHINA

18. We saw the Manhattan _________ with Moroni on top TEMPLE




1 . We visited the _________ family and watched General Conference STAPLES

2. The __________ museum had a super-fun laser challenge. SPYSCAPE

3. After the 911 museum we went to the top of the One World _______. OBSERVATORY

5. We watched the _______ play at Madison Square Garden. KNICKS

7. We walked through Central ______. PARK

9. Our bus tour of the Boroughs was awesome! The weather was _______. RAINY

10. We ate lots of _______. BAGELS

12. The Museum of Natural ________ had gems, and animals and dinosaur bones! HISTORY

13. We watched baseball at the ________ stadium. What did Tate bring home? YANKEE

17. We took a boat to see the Statue of _______. LIBERTY



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CLUE #11

(Hidden in Ethan’s headphones box)


Roses are Red, Violets are Blue

Ethan love Spotify more than any of you.


We know where he is at all times.

‘Cuz his phone always playin’ those catchy rhymes.


He knows all the lyrics to sing along.

Who do you think wrote his favorite song?


MJ, The Beach Boys, or Don McClean?

Nah. His Fav is Whitney Houston. The Queen.


While we all love to listen to Ethan’s sweet tones,

We hope sometimes He’ll use his brand new headphones.


CLUE # 12

(Hidden on Ty’s computer)


Ty’s 17! It’s his senior year

He’ll leave home soon—despite all Mom’s tears


Will he attend college first or go on serve a mission?

These are both really important decisions!


His 1st choice for college is attending the Y

But he had to write essays so he could apply


Better get started said his Mom and his Dad

Ty answered—I know but there’s fun to be had


Like golfing and biking and playing Smash Bros

And birding and hiking and ski videos


How are your essays coming, she said?

Relax Mom! It always works out in the end.


The deadline loomed and was even extended

But it wasn’t submitted on time as intended


Two minutes too late for early application!

Would he learn from the TED talk on procrastination?


After 6 weeks and some late night grit

We all breathed a sigh of relief as he clicked SUBMIT!



CLUE # 13

Football is Blake’s one true love

He hits and runs and blocks and shoves


He trained with Matt Byrd all year long

To become fit and fast and lean and strong


Sophomore season for Farmington High

Was fun and exciting. The time just flew by!


Left tackle is his spot on the line

But they gave him a play to make other teams whine


Bro—Rawson’s got hands! He’s our secret weapon

Go out for a pass! Ya better get stepin’


He caught it and ran to everyone’s glee!

A surprise receiver. How could it be?


It was fun while it lasted but according to Blake

Nothing feels better than a solid pancake




CLUE #14

(hidden on Jett’s yellow belt)


Many days after school the kids can be found

In front of the TV all gathered round


To watch kids at the dojo

Fight bad guys with mojo


You all know the song---

Let’s sing along:


Don't (don't) you (you)
Get all tough with me
I'm sayin', won't (won't) you (you)
Come kick it with me

Jett wanted to learn to fight like those kids

Instead what he found was just kinda mid.


Jett was kinda bored with his first karate class

He thought there’d be fighting---oh, but alas


Despite the deep disappointment he felt

Jett persisted and earned his yellow belt




CLUE #15 Word Search

(hidden on Dad’s Invisalign trays)

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KaysvilleRecreation     PheonixElite     Disney Plus   Invisalign 

Columbia    Primary     Goalie     Tundra     Deacon 

DominicanRepublic    NewYorkCity    SeaWorld    SanDiego    Preschool 

Boston.   Empire    Mouse    Beach 

PianoLessons    Missionary    DuoLingo    Scottsdale    Wasatch    PopCorn    Freeze 





Turn around!

You’re almost there.

Getting warmer. . .


Blake’s bike hidden in the tub





CLUE #16 (FIN)

(hidden in Tate’s closet)

For as long as I live,

I’ll never forget

That day in Manhattan

When the sidewalk was wet.

Behind our stroller:

A tidy trail

Tate was peeing straight from his seat!

Parent FAIL




Unscramble the letters and turn them over for your clue:


Follow these directions exactly!

Only Dad and Blake may enter the wrapping room to retrieve the package in Tate’s closet.


Find Dad’s safe in the closet.


***Crying ensues as Jett realizes the hunt is over and there wasn’t a present for him hidden along the way.


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