Checkups, Holiday Fun, and Ward Changes

Dear Michael,

I enjoyed your letter today. It sounds like you had a really fantastic week. I’m so glad you are having good experiences teaching your friends, and that they are progressing individually. Eric cracks me up! He must cause you so much stress! I’m sorry to hear Brother Liu is still in the hospital. I hope he’s able to recover from what ails him. I’m also wondering how the Elders who were in the car accident are doing? Any hope for recovery there? I’m excited for Tony’s baptism on Sunday and hope everything goes well. That will be a memorable Christmas!

News from home:

1. We went to Blake’s football banquet on Monday night. Blake had such a great time playing football this year, and I’m proud of all the hard work he put in. There were so many people at the banquet, and so many awards and recognitions. I was struck by how many people it takes to run a football program—coaches, trainers, sponsors, team moms. It’s all so time consuming, but I’m so grateful Blake has had the opportunity to be part of a  team. 

2. Tuesday night we went to the FHS basketball game and they recognized the youth Pheonix teams. Poor Ethan was standing with his friends on the court wearing his huge knee brace. I really hope he is able to play with the team again next year. It was fun being back in the court watching basketball again, but I was so surprised how small the crowd was. Dad reminded me how unique your team was and why there were such big crowds coming to watch you play. 

3. Jett had a terrible dental checkup this week and had to go back to have two large fillings and one tooth extraction. He also had to have a fibroma lazered off his tongue. It was painful. Hopefully he doesn’t have too much dental trauma moving forward.

4. Dad also had his annual cancer screenings. He had a couple of polyps removed but otherwise looked good.

5. Ty had another toenail ripped off by Dr. Warby—just in time for his big ski trip to Sun Valley. He was at least able to get custom foot beds made for his ski boots, so hopefully the problem is resolved and he can ski without pain for the rest of the summer. Let’s hope his back holds up! Ty and Blake are trying to “bulk,” and trying to increase the amount of protein they are eating. Blake is making the most disgusting-looking sludge to drink. It basically looks like pancake mix that he decided not to cook. Ty asked him to make extra to share, but Ty could barely chug it down without retching! Lol. Boys.

6. We had a fun, busy week full of special events. Jett had his awards class at karate and advanced from white to a yellow belt. Tate had his Christmas pajama party at preschool and brought home a fun monster truck! I went to BodyPump at the gym again  and have had super-sore muscles for days. Dad’s firm hosted a movie night, so we went to see the new Avatar movie which I enjoyed. And yesterday we had a Christmas party at Grandma and Grandpa Rawson’s house before Rob and Leisja went back home to Idaho. We did the nativity and had a gift exchange for the cousins. We ate ham and twice baked potatoes, rolls, spinach salad, and two kinds of jello salad. Delicious dinner and a fun night with everyone.

7. The big news of the week is that the ward boundaries were realigned throughout the stake. They took the two large wards on the West side of the freeway and split them into three wards. And then they took the seven wards on the East side and combined them into six. And they also took a housing complex with elderly people and divided them into the west side wards. Bishops Wood and London will remain leading the Shepard and Kerrybrook Wards (for now), and Jon Rhodes will be new bishop of the new Baer Creek ward. The Rhodes build a home int he Kerrybrook area in the last couple of years. Not sure if you saw it before you left?  We will now be in the Kerrybrook ward with the Hyde’s street, and Shepherd Lane, and the road that winds around the back of the school. We will all be released from our callings and presumably be given new callings in the Kerrybrook ward. The stated purpose of these changes was to create more opportunity for people to serve in their wards. I can’t say I was sad that Dad is being released as EQ president. But he told me the EQ President from Kerrybrook was put into a different ward boundary, so it’s possible he will keep the calling. It’s probably too much to ask that he get to teach Sunday school or primary or something. I was expecting to be split up from our friends on Kay Drive. But what was unexpected is that they put the Mattsons through the James’ families in the Shepard Ward, and the Hills and Winegars (also the families across the street from us) into the Baer Creek ward. I’m feeling bad for them. Ah change is always hard. We were really hoping to be put with the Griffins, but otherwise your dad seems really happy with the changes. None of the kids are too upset about being split from friends, so it will all be fine in the end.

8. Yesterday Kayla Kristic gave her homecoming talk. I can’t believe she is home already! Oakley James was married on Friday. 

9.Dana and Tanner moved into their new home on Monday and are LOVING it! Maddy accepted a job offer from H&M to be transferred to Denver. She will be moving sometime in January/February. Rob and Leisja had trusses go up on their home. They are hoping to finish the roof this week. Leisja’s dad is starting his second round of chemo this week. Chemo has been hard for him, but the doctors said they believe his cancer is stage 2, so that is perhaps better than what they were anticipating. Tiffany’s dad is still quite miserable. His nausea medication is not working well, but his doctors seem in disagreement over whether it’s his heart or kidneys that’s causing the problem. He needs to have his second surgery, but hasn’t really recovered well from the first, so it’s a daunting prospect. My mom and dad went out to California for a week to visit Ryan and Kelsey and the kids. They helped with the babies and home maintenance projects.

10. I have been busy trying to get ready for Christmas. My friends and sisters have been keeping me company with lots of Marco Polos, so at least I feel like I can enjoy some socialization while I work! I sent your Christmas package, and REALLY hope I sent it to the correct address! Please say you are at Brighton Ave! I hope you enjoy opening it Christmas morning. We will miss having you with us, but look forward to your call.

Love you, Mom


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