Christmas 2022 Clue Hunt
CLUE #1 (Hidden on the wall next to Jett’s bed) A long time ago in a house (not) far away… was a white bunk bed where young Andrew hit the hay. Next to the bed was the ill-famed booger wall. Wiping his snot on the wall—Oh the GALL! Andrew’s young nephews now sleep in those beds. Jett wiping his own snot right next to his head. CLUE #2 (Hidden in the passenger seat) Watch out world—Blake’s learning to drive! Man alive! Hope we survive! He passed the permit test—third times a charm! Most important rule: first, do no harm. Mom’s in the passenger seat with a frown. Saying slow down. Slow Down. SLOOOOOOW DOWN! Next in the passenger seat is old Pop. Shouting stop, Stop, STOP, STOPPPPPPP! CLUE #3 (Hidden in the court) Ethan loves the game of basketball. Playing his heart out, he took quite a fall. That was way back in July. Now 5 months have gone by. Clutchi...