
Dear Michael,

This will be a quick letter because we got to talk to you just a few days ago. I’m glad you had “The Best Thanksgiving Ever.” I’m so glad that you were able to have a nice dinner at the mission President’s house and that you also had some lessons set up and could teach that day. I can tell you are thriving as a missionary!

New from home:

1. We had a busy Thanksgiving weekend! We ate at Grandma and Grandpa Rawson’s house this year, and all of your dad’s siblings were able to be there. It was full house with lots of noisy children and delicious food! What a great holiday. It’s lovely to have a day set aside to spend with family and friends and reflect on the many things we have to be grateful for.

2. I got to volunteer in Jett’s classroom for their feast day as well, and Tate was happy to tag along. For the classroom feast we served chicken nuggets, tater tots, and fresh fruit. So when Thanksgiving day came Tate wanted to make sure that I brought some chicken nuggets to Grandma’s house!

3. The Staples family came to town for Thanksgiving and planned Drew’s baptism at our church on Saturday. So we spent time with them over the weekend visiting and playing games, and then we got to go to Drew’s baptism on Saturday. It was a really nice meeting. Almost all of the women attending participated in some way by providing music, prayer, and talks. All of the men participated in the confirmation. Drew is a sharp little boy, and so sweet. 

4.  Andrew and Giannina’s family was not able to make it because they have covid again. Ugh. Such a bummer. I guess Giannina was pretty sick and spent all day Wednesday in bed. And then she got up late and cooked Thanksgiving dinner while everyone was sleeping so her family could enjoy it the next day. She is so amazing.

5. Rob and Leisja were also in town for the weekend so we spent a lot of time with the Rawson’s as well. We played Codenames, Quacks, 7 wonders, and SkyJo. Good times! I think Dad and Ethan even squeezed in a game of Isle of Cats. He loves that game. I still need to figure it out. 

6. When the Staples came on Friday afternoon I was in the middle of putting up Christmas decorations. Alice REALLY wanted to help! So I let her put up the stockings and help me decorated the tree. The next day I got more decorations out so she could help me again. She is such a doll. And now the house is decorated! I’m considering putting up one more tree in the basement, butte desk needs to be moved first and I’m not sure how soon that will happen. Your dad finally had time to take apart Tate’s old crib. He’s been sleeping downstairs for a long time now! Anyway, now that the crib is out of the way, we can move the big desk back up into the front bedroom and turn it back into an office. Right now it’s a dumping ground and an extension of the laundry room! Maybe someday I’ll get it all put back together and organized!

7. Ethan had another MRI on his knee on Wednesday afternoon. We will meet with Dr. Tyson tomorrow to find out what’s going on with his knee.

8. Ty came home early from skiing on Wednesday because his back was hurting too bad to continue skiing. Such a bummer. He was sooo excited on Thursday night to be able to go skiing the next day. And then he was sooooo disappointed that he couldn’t even get a full day of skiing in. I think he over-did it at the gym Monday night and perhaps strained his muscles. I’m hoping it will heal up quickly so he can get back to skiing. I took him in to the chiropractor Wednesday for the first time, and will probably need to take him back in again this week.

9. I signed up for a Duolingo account a few weeks ago and have been studying Spanish. I started out with a test that bumped me up to Unit 28 as a starting point. And I’ve been on unit 28 for a few weeks now. So I’m feeling good that I might actually have retained a little bit of knowledge from my Spanish classes 20 years ago!

10. Dad has been working really long hours. He’s ready for a break. And on Wednesday he got some excellent news: one of his big deals will not be closing in December. The deal will be delayed several months—which means there is a light at the end of the tunnel. He’s got a deal that will close this week, and then hopefully things will slow down for December. We will all be relieved when that happens!

That’s all I’ve got this week! Love you!



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