Ethan fan mail

Hey Michael! So good to hear from you this week. It seems like you are really thriving, and I’m so happy to see it. I’m glad the transfer went well and you are enjoying working with your new companions. Hopefully this is an opportunity to really improve your language skills. It sounds like finding contacts in this new area will be harder, but at the same time you seem to have a lot of people making progress. Keep working hard! I’m so glad you got to see Caleb! You’ll have to tell us how the meeting went. 

The month of May is always crazy here, and a bit overwhelming. We just got a new computer, and I haven’t figured out how to set up my email on it, so this is coming from my phone today. As I looked over what happened this week I realized it was all about Ethan. So this week’s email is basically an Ethan fan account! 

1. Linda asked the boys to start working with a piano app called NoteRush that helps with note recognition and aight reading. Ethan is killing is and surpassing Blake. Blake I think is a bit frustrated and called Ethan a “try hard.” We are trying to encourage Blake to congratulate Ethan on his success, and also to try a little harder himself. 

2. Ethan had his 6th grade dance this week with a Luau theme. Today is the 6th grade field trip to the Farmington pool. So fun.

3. Friday was the 6th grade DARE day at Lagoon, and also Ethan’s robotics competition. He really enjoyed robotics although they didn’t win their competition. 

4. Baseball, baseball, baseball! His team has been playing well, and he’s making new friends. His nose seems to be healing well. I thought for sure he would have huge black eyes, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be. He hit the winning run yesterday. 

5. Ethan got to go hiking with his youth group. 

6. Ethan’s Sunday school teacher stopped me in the hall yesterday and told me how much she adores Ethan and how happy she is to have him in her class. 

7. This week I was organizing pictures and discovered that Ethan is wearing THE SAME SHIRT in 5 school photos in a row. 3rd thru 6th grade in the same freaking shirt!

8. Ethan also got an invitation this week to join Hope Squad next year. I think this was based on votes from his peers and recommendations from his teachers at school. I’m really proud of him. 

9. In non-Ethan news, your dad took the little kids to a BYU fan event. Jett is loving soccer and baseball, and begging to do parkour and karate. And we went to the wedding reception for Lydia Griffin and Patrick. And also we went to test drive a Honda mini van. We are trying to find a vehicle that I won’t hate driving! Your dad has been getting up early in the morning to drive Blake to football and is taking advantage of the time to go running. (Good for him!) Ty got to go on a fun campout with the wardies, and is currently obsessed with golfing every spare moment he has. Tate has become interested in watching home videos, and I’m currently listening to the 4yo version of you telling jokes that make no sense!

10. I was released from my Sunday school calling with a promise that they would give me a break for awhile since your dad is so busy with his calling. But they gave me a new calling to teach primary yesterday, and it was all I could do to not burst into tears on the spot. Wish me luck…and an attitude change. 

Love you!


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