
Hello My dear! Yesterday was transfer day! Hope everything went smoothly. Looks like you had a great time at the Boston Marathon. What good luck that you could be there to see that before your transfer. I hope Boston is beautiful and warm and you are enjoying nice spring weather. Things have been crazy at home…as usual. Your dad sent me about 100 calendar invites this week and I tried to not have a panic attack about my schedule over the next few weeks. 

1. Our flight home from NYC was delayed. Grandma Rawson was going to pick us up from the airport, but she ended up sick with a stomach bug. We arrived at 1 in the morning, and luckily my Dad was willing to come get us! When we landed Blake said he wasn’t feeling well. I thought maybe it was motion sickness from flying, but nope. It was Covid. Dana got it too. I think she was pretty sick, but Blake was just stuffed up for a few days. He had a great time hanging out in his bedroom. I sent him the link so he could study up for his driver’s permit test, and that kept him busy. Seems that so far nobody else in our house has caught it. Maybe Tate? He’s got a cough, but is testing negative. Maybe me? I’m also testing negative. Covid is such a pain in the neck. 

2. Dad and Tate and Jett and I went to Saratoga Springs on Saturday for Emery’s baptism. She’s such a sweet girl. Giannina went ALL OUT for the food and decorations. She’s amazing. 

3. Because of our Covid exposure, we did not go to Easter dinner at Grandma’s house. But we did go to the outdoor Easter egg hunt at Great Mama’s house. She is also amazing! Tate loved hunting for eggs! He had all kinds of questions for me about the Easter Bunny. On Easter we hunted for baskets (dad had egg-cellent hiding places this year), then we had church. Sacrament meeting was really good. I taught Sunday School, but was told I would be released soon. I enjoy teaching but that class is a handful, and I’m ready for a change. After church we enjoyed some Easter videos and colored eggs. Then Alison and Zach stopped by for a quick visit in the backyard. Ended the night with 10 commandments and a game of Wingspan. 

4. Baseball season has begun! Ethan had a tournament all the way down in Salem this week. Jett had his first game yesterday, and Blake has started as a referee!

5. This is like our second or third anniversary of water heater problems. The stupid thing keeps turning itself off. But at least we now have a working doorbell and ceiling fan!

6. Tate is keeping me on my toes. This week I caught him cutting his own hair—twice!

7. Three days in a row I have found a puddle in the basketball court on top of Blake’s workout pad. Not sure if Tate is peeing on it or spraying it with a water bottle, but it keeps happening. 

8. Tate has recently become obsessed with his fingernails. He keeps picking and biting them super short. And then his finger hurts and he demands a bandaid. I keep finding bandaid wrappers all over the house. 

9. And finally to top it all off, Tate dropped 2 GALLONS OF MILK DOWN THE STAIRS! I was talking to the water heater guy, and Tate wanted milk. So he hauled in a Costco box of milk from the garage and tried to carry it down the stairs to me. But he dropped it. The box flew down the stairs, broke open, and milk explored all down the staircase. Such a mess! I could not stop laughing for the absurdity of it all. 

10. Ty has prom this weekend with Brook, but he still hasn’t found a suit, so he may be wearing your old one if he’s unsuccessful shopping. Saturday was his last day on the slopes with his ski team, and his missed his AP practice test to ski. So he’s going to have to make that up. Ah! We are all so busy!

Love you!
Hope you have a fantastic week. 


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