Some Days Are Just Lame - Even In Australia
Hey there! Good to talk to you tonight! I’m so glad to hear there are people progressing and getting ready for baptism! Hopefully the church gets finishes soon and you all have a convenient place to gather. I’m sorry Elder Mecham is struggling. I think you are right to do your best with your missionary work, but also be sensitive to his struggles and feelings. That’s a tough line to walk. Glad to hear you are feeling well and working hard. I can tell you are a good missionary and you are working hard. I'm so proud of you!
I actually had a pretty lame week. So sorry for the lame update:
- Monday I went to the dermatologist. He used a tiny tool to burn some spots off my face that were bothering me. It was just cosmetic—nothing concerning. But I came out of the office looking like I had chicken pox. Red spots all over my face. So that was fun.
- It’s so cold and gray and dark here and I’m now in my Hibernation Era. I do not want to the leave the house (or my bed) under any circumstance. Having red spots all over my face only confirmed that I should just stay home.
- Wednesday night I was forced to go out for mutual. We went into Salt Lake to the Salt Palace to do a service project packaging food for food pantries. I took Tate along because Dad had tickets to the Jazz game and nobody was home to babysit. But we had to leave early to get Ethan to his basketball game. Tate didn’t want to go to Ethan’s game, and he had an epic meltdown. Ethan and I had to drag him kicking and screaming all the way out of the salt palace and across to city creek parking. Sigh. Children can be such a pain in the neck!
- Dad took Michael and Annie & Jacob Allen to the Jazz game and they had a great time! Michael is still trying to recover after all of the ice cream and treats he ate.
- I spent the week working on lame projects like unsuccessfully fixing the fireplace and unsuccessfully burning your photos to DVD.
- I did figure out how to stream videos from my phone to the TV screen so we can watch home videos. Tate has never seen videos of when he was little, so that was fun for him to watch. Also we found an old video of a woman who put Gorilla Glue in her hair and had another good laugh at that.
- I did get to watch a little tv and finish my puzzle, so that was a highlight of the week!
- Dad and I went out to eat to celebrate our anniversary. We ate at Market Street and both got salmon, and it was delicious! I also got a huge slice of chocolate cake and it was SO GOOD!
- Blake and Jimmy drove to Provo to go to a concert on Friday night, and Michael joined up with them. Blake has lost 50 pounds since football! Its crazy. He looks really different. He’s been working on his mission papers which is really exciting!
- In the news: TikTok got shut down. But it only lasted for 4 hours because Trump says he wants to save TikTok. So they opened it bak up. I don’t want to see TikTok go down, but I also don’t want to see Trump fan-boy Elon Musk buy it. He totally destroyed Twitter. Tomorrow is Inauguration Day for Trump. Honestly it’s hard to believe we are doing this again. He is headed into his second term much stronger than the first time, and now he knows what he’s doing—so that makes it even scarier. He feels empowered by the Supreme Court’s ruling that he has presidential immunity. He wasn’t really held accountable for anything he did the first time around, and now he thinks the Supreme Court has given him a free pass. He basically thinks he’s king. I think I’ll wear all black tomorrow. It suits my mood. I won’t be watching the inauguration ceremony, and I won’t be celebrating. Gaaaaahhhh. Trump is the WORST.
Love you! Mom
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