BizTown and the Wiz

Dear Elder Rawson, Hello my dear! It was so good to talk to you today. I always look forward to your call on Sunday nights. It sounds like you are having quite the adventure in Kuala Lumpur! Now that you know they left you an SD card, hopefully you can connect to the wifi and things will go better for you this week! I hope you have a great time at the pizza place today, and I hope you buy lots of fruits and veggies at the grocery store! I am just amazed at how you are meeting people from all over the world who speak all different languages. Who knows? Maybe you will come home speaking multiple languages? I know that part of you wanted to stay in Sibu and continue the work there. But I’m glad that you are able to serve in a new area and have this new experience. I love that you are able to just walk out your door and find people to talk to. Your success as a missionary is not determined by how many contacts and new friends that you find, or how many baptisms you have—but on your obedien...