Yo Daddy's a Legal Elite

Hey Ty— I hope you have had a great week. Was this the week of the mission leader seminar with all of the general authorities? Was it great? Did you get to serve them the sacrament? Jett wants to know! Is it over and do you have access to the gym again? Ok clarification—That headline about the mother and the snake—it kept popping up at the bottom of other news stories I was reading. Because I’ve been googling and taking about and thinking about snakes a lot lately. And our phones are listening to us and basically can read our minds now, so they advertise to us what they think we want to see. But I DO NOT want to see headlines about snakes eating mothers. Anyway. I went back and read the article. And it really happened. A (human) mother lining in Indonesia went missing. They found an enormous snake, cut it open, and pulled her dead body out—clothing and all. Horrifying. I saw another picture of a ridiculous snake today. This time it was not in our yard thank goodness. But it was in...